Jiu Jitsu is an incredible tool for kids’ development. Vinci’s Kids and Teens methodologies have been designed and created with care to ensure that each young student may exercise their skills in a safe environment, with discipline and concentration. We focus on physical, mental and emotional health during our classes so Jiu Jitsu can help our young students develop into strong adults – on and off the mats.
Schedule your child’s Trial Class now!



Jiu Jitsu is an incredible tool for kids’ development. Vinci’s Kids and Teens methodologies have been designed and created with care to ensure that each young student may exercise their skills in a safe environment, with discipline and concentration. We focus on physical, mental and emotional health during our classes so Jiu Jitsu can help our young students develop into strong adults – on and off the mats.

5-7 Years Old

Jiu Jitsu offers numerous benefits for kids between 5 and 7 years old, among them enhanced coordination and increased self-confidence. It also teaches discipline, respect, and problem-solving skills, promoting overall well-being and social development in young children.

Tue, Thu & Fri - 4pm-4:50pm

8-10 Years Old

For kids between 8 and 10 years old, Jiu Jitsu provides physical strength and flexibility, enhanced self-defense skills, and increased focus and concentration.

Additionally, it fosters a sense of discipline, teamwork, and resilience, contributing to their overall personal growth and confidence.

MON, WED - 4pm to 5pm
Sat - 9am to 10am

11-13 Years Old

Jiu Jitsu offers valuable benefits for kids aged 11 to 13, including increased self-discipline, enhanced problem-solving abilities and improved overall fitness.

It also promotes self-esteem, stress relief, and the development of critical life skills, making it an excellent activity for their physical and mental growth during the pre-teen years.

Tue, thu - 5pm to 6pm
Sat - 9am to 10am

14-16 Years Old

For teens aged 14 to 16, Jiu Jitsu brings not only the physical benefits and overall improved fitness, but also increased self-confidence and better stress management.

It also fosters a sense of responsibility, respect for others, and provides an avenue for healthy competition and camaraderie, contributing to their overall personal development and well-being during their adolescent years.

Mon, Wed & Fri - 5pm to 6pm

Private Classes

Classes tailored to your kids’ needs. Our Instructors will design the right class specifically for them so they can learn while they have fun and play while exercising. Whether that be to prepare for their Belt Tests or overcome any challenges they have had in group classes, we are happy to offer a special class for them at a time that works for